The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has appealed Kaduna state governor to rescind the dismissal of nurses below level 14 and seek for peaceful resolution of the crisis with the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC).
In a statement in the evening on Tuesday, spokesman of the forum, Mr. Emmanuel Yawe, said the sacking of the nurses will complicate issues.
“The governor should rescind the decision to sack nurses below level 14 and seek for peaceful resolution of the problem.
“Sacking of nurses will not bring about peace, but complicate the issue”, Yawe said.
The statement also urged the state government to reconsider its decision on downsizing its work force.
Yawe, said Nigeria is already faced with so many problems that a strike action that has crippled the strategically located town of Kaduna for days running will only make things worse for the ordinary man.
The statement lamented that “for two days now the activities of the Kaduna state government have been crippled by a strike called by the Nigerian Labour Congress.
“Hospitals, electricity/ water services, the airport, the road/rail transport and many other services in the state have been crippled.
“The National President of Nigerian Labour Congress NLC Ayuba Wabba said there is no going back on the strike untill the government follows the law in dealing with workers in the state.
“Labour is particularly angry with the state government over massive lay off of civil servants in the state.
“The ACF advises the Kaduna state government to reconsider its decision particularly on downsizing the work force in the states services.
“We suggest that as a way out, maybe those earlier marked for lay off should be given some more time to make sure they acquire new and or additional skills.”
Yawe also called on the NLC to reconsider its stand, “displeasure and point against the Kaduna state government have gone on record. “
The statement added that “Nigeria is already faced with so many problems that a strike action that has crippled the strategically located town of Kaduna for days running will only make things worse for the ordinary man.”